Logo LVR - Qualität für Menschen
Grafik Tuchfabrik Müller Euskirchen

Sunday Café in the Museum

Cake, Waffles and Coffee Specialities

Exterior view of the museum café

Every Sunday there are freshly baked waffles, cakes, small snacks and coffee specialities in the Museum Café from 11 to 18 hours.

The Museum Café invites you to take a break anytime during the opening hours of the museum. Coffee specialities and sweet snacks are available from the self-service vending machines.

Outside the Sunday Café opening hours it is possible to book warm snacks and coffee and cake for groups of 15 persons and more in advance.

Should you want to take advantage of this service, please book at least one week in advance.

Information from

kulturinfo rheinland

Tel.: 02234 9921-555



Tuchfabrik Müller
Carl-Koenen-Str. 25b
53881 Euskirchen