Balancing over a slack line, testing the tear strength of paper or comparing different types of paper and other materials under a digital magnifying lens – all that is offered by the interactive temporary exhibition "Ist das möglich?" (Is that possible?).The exhibition is supplemented with museum exhibits such as a scrap car pressed into a cube or a suit of armor made of paper. They tell of historical incidents, amazing stories and exciting records.
The interactive exhibition at the Ermen & Engels power plant combines a guessing game with the communication of exciting facts about industrial materials. While the permanent exhibitions at the LVR Industrial Museum focus on the history of the industries in which paper, metal and textiles were produced and processed, the exhibition is all about the materials themselves.
What if you couldn't rely on the functionality of industrial products, if things and materials you use in everyday life weren't fit for purpose? What if the coffee filter broke when you poured water into it, what if your clothes didn't keep you warm? The exhibition explores all these and other questions in an entertaining way.
The exhibition is aimed at anyone aged 8 and above who enjoys trying things out for themselves, such as families, children and young people, and students from grade 3 to grade 10, as well as adults.
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Duration of Exhibition:
08.6.2021 – 24.10.2021
Opening hours
Tue-Fri 10-17 h, for school classes already open from 9 o'clock, Sat & Sun 11-18 h
Entrance Fee
5,50 €, reduced 5 €, children and adolescents (up to 18 years of age) free, combi-ticket for temporary and permanent exhibition 6,50 €
Visitor Information
kulturinfo rheinland
Tel.: 02234 9921-555
(telephone lines open: Mon – Fri 8 – 18 hours; Sat, Sun and public holidays 10 – 15 hours)
Fax: 02234 9921-300
Exhibition Location:
Kraftwerk Ermen & Engels
Engels-Platz 2
51766 Engelskirchen