The Alte Dombach paper mill is open on 1 May from 11 am to 6 pm.

Grafik Papiermühle Alte Dombach Bergisch Gladbach

Papiermühle ALte Dombach (Paper Mill)

Summer exterior view of the half-timbered houses of the historic Alte Dombach paper mill

Germany’s largest paper museum in the former Papiermühle Alte Dombach (Paper Mill) demonstrates how paper was once made, how it is made today and what one can make with this indispensable all-round talent. A mill wheel, a rag beater and a laboratory paper machine can all be seen in action. You can even try out your personal skills as a paper maker and test your dexterity with the deckle.

The mighty PM4, a paper machine dating from the year 1889 is very impressive, being forty metres in length and five metres high. Paper theatres, friendship books and historic packaging relate to how paper was used in the past. Today millions of tons of paper are produced annually – what that means for the environment is clearly presented.

Children playing on a playground

The large topic playground "Kleine Dombach" with mill wheel, large Wendy house, water play area with a sand conveyer, small mill wheel which turns, mud area, hammock, horizontal bars and much more beckon to play and romp about. The play equipment in the playground reflects the typical characteristics of the local paper mills.

On the idyllic outdoor premises there are more historic machines and a demonstration garden full of plants from which paper can be made. How the paper maker families lived in the 19th century is brought to life in the small worker’s dwelling.

A Café beckons to stay a while. (Information on the Café under Visitor information).

Video Papiermühle Alte Dombach (Paper Mill) on film!

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Tickets for the Papiermühle Alte Dombach (Paper Mill) can be obtained on the site or in advance from our Webshop.

Information on Alte Dombach Paper Mill