The Ermen & Engels power station is open on 1 May from 11 am to 6 pm.

Grafik Kraftwerk Ermen & Engels Oelchenshammer Engelskirchen

Digital Monument Trail

Ermen & Engels in virtual worlds

View of an information board in the park in Engelskrichen

It is possible to experience the monument trail around the Kraftwerk Ermen & Engels (Power Plant) virtually under . Silver treasure chests on the museum premises provide the link to further more in-depth information which everyone can retrieve per Smartphone on the spot or relaxing at home on the computer - to re-read and continue reading, to discover for the first time and rediscover.

A total of 19 stations spread out over the extensive outdoor premises of the former cotton spinning mill relating the varied history of the factory and also of Friedrich Engels or life and work along the Agger River. The monument trail is open throughout the year and freely accessible – both as a walk over the Engelsplatz and online as a tour of discovery.

Two people take a closer look at the information board

Everything which visitors need to experience the monument trail in its digital dimensions is an internet-ready mobile telephone. Spread out over the premises surrounding the Power Plant there are 19 panels which give initial access to the site and its history over the past 200 years up to today. QR-Codes and short URLs - that is short internet addresses – open the door to videos, texts and pictures in the mobile telephone. Many different topics can be retrieved online: from the relationship of the revolutionary Friedrich Engels with his father of the same name to the production processes in the cotton spinning mill, child labour in the 19th century, power generation from water power right up to globalisation today. There is also an outdoor station at the Oelchenshammer in Engelskirchen-Bickenbach district. Here everything revolves around the historic water-powered forging hammer.

The monument trail offers another highlight: there is a multi-cache in puzzle form on the premises for friends of Geocaching. Geocaching is a type of paper-chase with GPS coordinates. The multi-cache comprises several puzzles which have to be resolve on the spot at the individual stations in order to find the correct GPS data.

The digital monument trail was developed in co-operation with Dr. Helge David |

The LVR supported the project with funds from the Regionale Kulturförderung (Regional Sponsoring Fund).

Opening hours: It can be experienced and accessed at all times throughout the year.

Entrance fees: Admission to the premises and to the digital monument trail is free. When using a mobile phone internet costs may be incurred depending on the mobile telephone contract.