The Ermen & Engels power station is open on 1 May from 11 am to 6 pm.

Grafik Kraftwerk Ermen & Engels Oelchenshammer Engelskirchen

Association of Friends

Why not join!

Look at the festival of the elements

Since 1999 the “Freunde und Förderer des LVR-Industriemuseums Engelskirchen” (Association of Friends) has accompanied the work of the Oberbergische site of the LVR-Industriemuseum. The Engelskirchen association of friends supports above all museum education projects and special museum events such as the "Fest der Elemente" (Celebration of the Elements) or the “Transport and Oldtimer” festival both financially and actively. Therefore the members participate in the diverse museum events and in exchange may visit all six sites free and take advantage of special programme offers.


Maria Clever


Lennefer Mühle
51789 Lindlar