The Alte Dombach paper mill is open on 9 May from 11 am to 6 pm.

Grafik Papiermühle Alte Dombach Bergisch Gladbach

Association of Friends

Why not become a member!

Stand of the association at the paper festival

The Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Industriemuseums Bergisch Gladbach – Papiermühle Alte Dombach e.V. (Association of Friends) was set up in 1988 and currently has around 240 members. The association has provided significant support for the setting up of the museum by assuming all or some of the costs of important sections/areas and fixtures, for example the mill wheel and rag beater, the paper machine hall, the laboratory paper machine and the beater for demonstration purposes. In addition the association has financed exhibitions and publications. In 2015 it also completed an ambitious project: the mill premises has become even more attractive for families with children thanks to the special playground which takes up the topic “mill”. The association contributed far more than 50% of the costs. This was only possible because it was able to win over many supporters. Today the association contributes in particular through public relations work and by providing support for the annual “Paper Festival”.

Stand of the association at the city festival

The association organises a comprehensive and very varied programme of excursions to destinations not normally accessible, enables the so-called “group of regulars” (Stammtisch) to meet and also organises special events in the museum. Members are entitled to free entrance to all LVR-Industriemuseum sites.

Further information can be found under Website of the association.


Martina Rischen-Rempe


Tel.: 02234 2024180
Fax: 0221 9362604